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A admin  •  2023-12-01  •  No comments  •  Ward 2  • 


Candidate code: 4



Chewbacca, a 200-year-old Wookiee, becomes a young Han Solo's companion after they both escape Imperial captivity on Mimban. After a series of adventures on Vandor and Kessel, Chewbacca embarks on the smuggling trade, serving as Han's co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon for the rest of Han's life.[1]

Standing 8 feet (2.4 m) tall, Chewbacca is covered with long hair and wears only a bandolier. His weapon of choice is the Wookiee bowcaster (a crossbow-shaped directed-energy weapon).[3] Chewbacca speaks only in his native language, Shyriiwook (which sounds like animal sound growls); he is able to understand Galactic Basic, but is physically unable to speak it. Han Solo, likewise, also understands Shyriiwook perfectly

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